Data loss prevention: raising awareness is key.

Shall we talk about data loss prevention? How to do it? In times of LGPD - General Data Protection Law and home office, this is undoubtedly the question of the million.

Meeting Information Security requirements when the provision of services essentially involves the use of confidential information and sensitive data has become even more challenging in this new scenario where home office work, which until then was very shy, has taken center stage in many organizations.

In the field of technology we have a diverse menu of Workspace solutions that enable home office work for small and large teams. These solutions accommodate very well the needs and premises for accessibility to work tools, performance and productivity monitoring, flexibility in the use of hardware and also ensure that existing security policies, practices and controls are maintained. Major providers such as MicrosoftVmWare e Citrix offer robust and adaptable solutions.

But as we well know, technology alone is no guarantee that information security will be guaranteed. Human behavior plays a major role in this mission. And in a context where we have individuals working with sensitive data in unmonitored physical environments, it creates an environment conducive to exploiting vulnerabilities and consequently losing data.

It sounds hopeless, but trust in the power of awareness. Raising awareness among professionals may sound fragile at first, but when it is carried out as part of a well-structured and ongoing awareness program, it generates incredible results.

Not sure where to start? Download our free e-book with practical tips for implementing and maintaining an awareness program in your organization, and watch an important discussion on the subject that took place at IT Professional and Innovation Week 2020.  Check it out!!

